Outdoor Adventuring with New Children

a father and son fishing and spending quality time together

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be challenging. One of the best ways to bond with your child and create lasting memories is to get out and explore the great outdoors together.


Trail hiking with you new baby.  Dad and baby hiking in the mountains. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of fun activities that you can do with your little one in tow. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:


Adventure Walks:

Explore your neighborhood or a nearby park with your little one in a baby carrier or stroller. Take time to smell the flowers, listen to the birds, and point out interesting objects along the way.

Adventure walking on the beach with daughter and father.


Family Picnics:

Spending time together as a family is always special, and picnics are a great way to do it. Pack a few of your little one's favorite snacks and drinks, and head to your local park for an afternoon in the sun. Don't forget to bring a blanket or towel for sitting on!

family outdoor picnic with father in a park


Outdoor Art:

Get creative with nature! Gather up some leaves, sticks, rocks, and other natural materials and use them to create art projects together. You can frame your creations or simply enjoy them for their beauty.

art project with baby outside pumpkin fun


Visit a playground:

There's nothing like a good old-fashioned swing on a warm day. Let your baby explore different textures and movements on the playground. And don't forget to take turns on the slide!

playing on playground in the mountains at a park. mom and baby adventuring outdoors together.


Play In the sprinklers:

On hot summer days, there's nothing more refreshing than playing in the sprinklers. Set up a kiddie pool in your backyard, and let your little one splash to their heart's content. Just be sure to keep an eye on them at all times.

baby playing with sprinkler in the back yard - toddler being outside is amazing.


Build a snow man:

A personal family favorite of ours is increasingly a hit as our children get older. Small, or large the looks on your child's face as your snow man comes alive is something to behold.

building a snowman is a great way to spend time with your children in the winter

Go for a bike ride:

Start with a leisurely ride around the block, and then work your way up to longer bike rides as your baby gets older. It's great exercise for both of you, and you'll love spending time together while getting some fresh air. It is also is a great opportunity for them to challenge themselves and overcome fears. 

toddler adventure biking on a trail. learning to overcome fears.

Finally, GO CAMPING!!!!

Whether is be in the backyard, in your car or a hike up your favorite adventure trail. Camping is an incredible way to bond with our families and children, inspire wonder and stoke that passion for adventure.

mom and newborn car camping.

And that's just the beginning! You and your little one are sure to have a blast no matter what you do. So get adventurous and enjoy all that nature has to offer!


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